AVCOM AVIONICS & INSTRUMENTS is your total support avionics shop. We specialize in avionics and instruments for all aircraft. We offer overhaul, repair, testing services, and manufacturing. In addition, we have excellent AOG services, fast turnaround times, and an extensive parts inventory.

Located just minutes from Miami International Airport, we are within immediate access to all Overnight express carriers insuring prompt AOG service.

The Avcom Avionics Advantage

Avcom prides itself in it's engineering and technical staff, from repair & overhaul to OEM engineering Mods (TSP's).

Our OEM trained technicians have over 60 years combined experience at OEM shops. Each are specialists in their respective fields from Radar, TCAS, EFI's systems to General aviation and Rotorwing.

Since it's start-up fifteen years ago, Avcom has focused on Quality workmanship and total customer support.

As an industry leader, our rigorous Engineering and Quality Control standards (ISO 9001) guarantee that only the latest Testing systems and procedures will be provided to insure product reliability and service to our customers.

Our modern state of the art FAA, JAA & ISO 9001 certified avionics & instruments facility is the finest of it's type.

Automated Test Equipment
AVCOM has five ATE units. We have recently purchased an ITS 700 ATE and are in the certification stage to work on a large quantity of equipment for Boeing 757/767. The certification is being done by a former ITS 700 specialist from Collins Miami. We are looking forward to providing the industry with another choice in where to have quality work in a timely fashion at moderate prices done.

Radio = Class I,II,III
Instruments = Class IV
Accessories = Limited

The Ameri-cam DVR-911 Airborne Digital Video Survailence System

Avcom Avionics & Instruments, Inc. announces the first economical aircraft digital video recording system! The Ameri-cam DVR-911 Airborne Digital Surveillance System allows cabin monitoring from the cockpit and recording of activity throughout the whole flight and during ground handling of your aircraft. Providing safety, security, protection of aircraft and passengers against liability claims, and above all protection from terrorist threats.

We are now taking orders! Each system is customized for any particular aircraft or customer need.

We thank you for learning more about us on Shop Talk and look forward to hearing from you real soon.

3008 N.W. 82nd Ave.
Miami, FL 33122
United States

FAA # VR4R606M / JAA
Phone:  +1 (305) 436-0300
Fax: +1 (305) 436-0301
Website:  http://www.avcom-avionics.com